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315,000 pedagogical seats in the Algerian session of February – Al-Hiwar

315,000 pedagogical seats in the Algerian session of February - Al-Hiwar

The Minister of Vocational Training and Education, Yassine Marabi, affirmed that all available capabilities have been harnessed to ensure the best conditions for the course of this entry, so that more than 315,000 pedagogical seats have been provided in all types, devices and levels of training, in addition to the current number of trainees and apprentices who are under training and estimated. Their number is more than 212,000 trainees and apprentices. As for the available specializations, 522 specializations were programmed during this course, most of which meet the priority sectors in the government activity program.

In a speech delivered by the director of the National Institute specialized in vocational training in the municipality of Rouiba during the official opening ceremony of the February 2023 session, the minister explained that this course witnesses the strengthening of training devices for the benefit of different social groups, by providing qualifying trainings whose offers are estimated at 161,313 pedagogical seats in 143 Specialization, rehabilitative, especially for the benefit of women staying at home and rural women and contractual training, evening lessons, in addition to taking care of groups with special needs and the category of prisoners, by providing more than 12,000 pedagogical seats.

The minister considered that this course is distinguished by the continuation of the process of training beneficiaries of the unemployment grant, in its second phase, by providing approximately 82,000 additional training positions in 105 short-term qualification specializations in 17 vocational divisions, within the framework of the sector’s contribution to the national effort to improve the employability of these The category, which is not hidden from any of you, the utmost importance that the highest authorities in the country attach to this file.

And Yassin Marabi stated that his sector harnessed all the capabilities of structures, equipment, employment of managers and the lifting of the freeze on some projects, in addition to the conclusion of many agreements with various economic and social partners, which would improve the performance of the sector and provide job opportunities for graduates.

The Minister called on the family of vocational training and education with its various components to recruit more, to achieve the goals that we all seek to achieve, which is to provide a qualified workforce and respond to the requirements of the national economy in terms of the necessary qualifications, which will contribute to the economic take-off that we all aspire to. Which the President of the Republic has called for on many occasions, and whose beginnings will be during the current year 2023.

In the same context, the minister said: “I welcome the new entrants to the training seats and those who have chosen the professional path with conviction, wishing them success and success.
In his speech, the Minister stated that extra-budgetary operations, OHB, have been activated as one of the alternatives to support the financing of programmed activities within our training institutions, and to expand twinning operations between training institutions in the same state and between states, to enable the people of the sector to exchange experiences and expertise and use the means educational and technical equipment; Relying more on partnerships with economic operators, to enrich and revitalize the specializations taught in the sector, as well as activating cultural and sports activities within the institutions of the sector, within the framework of activities, and discovering talents in various fields. In addition to working on generalizing the competencies approach as a method of teaching within our training institutions, to improve the quality of training provided and adapting it to the requirements of the labor market, focusing on the apprenticeship pattern in training offers, as it is more effective and effective and closer to integration in the world of work, as it is considered one of the determinants in the process of evaluating performance training institutions;

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