7 years in prison for speculators in foodstuffs in Constantine – Al-Houwar Algeria

Constantine Court convicted two persons to 7 years in prison and a fine of 2 million dinars for their involvement in illegal speculation in widely consumed basic foodstuffs.

The Public Prosecution Office of the same court stated, in a statement, that “pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, Paragraph 03 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Public Prosecutor at the Constantine Court informs the public that in the framework of continuing to fight the phenomenon of illegal speculation in basic foodstuffs with wide consumption, 4 people have been pursued.” through immediate appearance procedures.”

After the trial, a verdict was issued convicting two persons of 7 years in prison and 2 million dinars a fine, and the acquittal of the other two defendants of what was attributed to them, along with the confiscation of the seized items, according to the same statement.

The same document detailed that the defendants were pursued on charges of “illegal speculation by storing and concealing commodities and goods (milk) with the aim of causing scarcity in the market and disrupting supply,” “participation in illegal speculation,” and “using counterfeits in administrative documents.”

And “practicing a commercial activity with an expired extract”, which are the acts stipulated and punishable by the text of Articles 1, 12 and 13 of Law No. 21-15 related to combating illegal speculation and 222 of the Penal Code, Article 31 bis of the Law on Practicing Commercial Activities and that By immediate appearance procedures.

The statement stated that the Anti-Illegal Speculation Law No. 21-15 issued on 12-28-2021 provides for the application of strict penalties for those involved in these crimes, up to 30 years in prison and life imprisonment if the crime is committed within the framework of an organized group.

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