The CEO of Cevital Group, Mr. Malik Rebrab, confirmed that Cevital is in the process of launching preliminary experiments on the characteristics suitable for sugar beet cultivation in Algeria, represented in soil, water and climate, given the specificity of this cultivation that requires special climatic conditions.
He pointed out that once these experiments are completed and the climatic conditions are determined, Cevital will, through a factory dedicated to this industry, produce 450,000 tons of sugar per year, at a rate of exploitation of 30,000 tons of sugar beets per day.
In the same context, he affirmed that Cevital has the real will and full awareness to move towards this important industry that is included in the economic program of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, which aims to ensure food security for Algerians through the production of the raw material for sugar in Algeria.
On the other hand, Malik Rebrab says that the oilseeds crushing plant is nearing completion and will go into production soon. This is also in order to ensure that this basic material is produced locally, in accordance with the directives of the President of the Republic.
#Cevital #Group #launches #preliminary #experiments #cultivation #sugar #beet #Algeria #Hewar #Algeria
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