President Tebboune honors young creators – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, supervised today, Thursday, at the International Conference Center “Abdul Latif Rahal”, the ceremony honoring the laureates of the President of the Republic Award for Young Creators, “Ali Maashi”, in its 17th edition, on the occasion of the National Artist’s Day.

The honoring ceremony took place in the presence of senior state officials and members of the government, as well as the artistic family, during which the artistic family honored the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, with a distinguished painting, by Hamza Bonoua, translating Arabic calligraphy in its highest meanings using acrylic and Chinese ink. The painting is From contemporary plastic art, its owner, Hamza Bonwa, wanted to move from originality to modernity.

And the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, supervised the honoring of Mohamed Amin Yazid with the first prize in the category of cinematic and audiovisual arts, and the speech of Zine El Abidine with the first place in the category of singing and dancing arts.

President Tebboune also honored Ayman Makhloufi with the first place in the category of the art of musical works. And Karim Al-Tayeb Sayyad won the first prize in the category of the art of the literary novel, Khalil Abbas in the category of the art of poetry, and Abdel Jalil is a teacher in the performing arts. Manal Ben Hilal, winner of the first place in the category of written theatrical work, and Ayman Makhloufi, winner of the first place in the category of Musical works, and Owaisi Ramisa, who won the first prize in plastic arts.

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