Today, Tuesday, the Minister of Environment and Renewable Energies, Samia Moualfi, stressed in Annaba the necessity of adopting participatory work and coordination between the various sectors to win environmental bets.
During a working visit and an inspection of the facilities belonging to her sector in the state, the minister explained that the problem of the environment is “the responsibility of everyone, including officials, local authorities, civil society and citizens, and requires responding with conviction to everything that concerns the environment in order to actually and on the ground embody the strategy of protecting and valuing the environment.”
In this context, Ms. Mawalfi stated that many of the projects registered for the benefit of the environment sector, which have not been materialized, will be subject to review and redirection to address problems related to the environment and upgrading the environment, in line with the national strategy for environmental protection, valorization of natural resources, and upgrading the general environment of cities and urban agglomerations.
In this context, the minister appreciated the initiative to prepare the “Lake El Reem” site, which is located on an area of 57 hectares of wet areas. At the same site, she supervised the process of planting trees in this space, which turned into a natural site for rest and recreation at the western exit of the city of Annaba.
The Minister also noted the contributions of the civil society in Annaba in spreading the culture of the environment and protecting the environment, through the initiatives of the Green Bike Association, “Green Pack”, which, on the occasion, presented to the Minister its initiatives to spread civilized behavior in the stadiums during the African Nations Championship for local players “Shan 2022”, which will be hosted by Algeria. From the 13th of January to the 4th of February.
During her field tour, Ms. Mawalfi inspected the site of the random waste dump in the municipality of Saraydi, which will be closed during next April, in order to protect the forest site in the Idog Mountains, re-evaluate it, and transfer the municipal waste to the technical filling center “The Blue Pond” in the municipality of Al-Bouni.
During her visit to the technical filling center “Al-Baraka Al-Zarqa”, which receives daily 530 tons of waste for a total of 600,000 residents in the districts of Annaba, Al-Bouni, Berhal and Al-Hajjar, the minister listened to two presentations about two projects for the construction of a fifth trench to receive and treat waste with an absorption capacity of about five years, in addition to the waste squeezing project.
She emphasized the need to invest in recycling and waste sorting, explaining that 75 percent of the national waste is organic and must be valued and turned into a wealth-creating resource.
Ms. Mawlafy also visited the Public Establishment for the Industry of Railway Equipment “Feruvial”, various industrial equipment that are used in environment-related activities and are produced by the Establishment, such as waste water treatment plants, waste incinerators, compactor trailers for lifting waste and others.
In front of the diversity of the equipment produced by this institution, the minister called on the executives of the institution to strive to produce stations to treat the polluted waste thrown out by industrial enterprises.
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