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Algeria-China… exemplary historical relations and a comprehensive strategic partnership

Algeria-China... exemplary historical relations and a comprehensive strategic partnership

The relations between Algeria and China are characterized by their historical depth and their comprehensive strategic nature, and they will be further strengthened and rise to higher levels on the occasion of the state visit that the President of the Republic, Mr. Xi Jinping.
This visit falls within the framework of strengthening the strong and rooted relations and strengthening economic cooperation between the two friendly countries.
Historical relations with China return immediately after the announcement of the establishment of the interim Algerian government, as China was the first non-Arab country to recognize the Algerian interim government in 1958, to further develop relations after Algeria’s independence.
The two countries aspire to elevate the comprehensive strategic partnership that has brought them together since 2014 to higher levels and broader horizons in order to serve the interests of the two countries and peoples and to achieve their aspirations in light of the current international changes and endeavors to strengthen regional and international positioning, based on their commitment to the principle of respect and mutual interests and in light of the keenness of the leaders of the two countries. On continuous consultation and close cooperation.

In this context, the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, had praised, in a congratulatory message addressed to the President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, on the occasion of his re-election by the National People’s Congress last March, the depth of the relations of friendship and cooperation. He stressed the importance of continuing to work together in order to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership and elevate it to broader levels that reflect the aspirations of the two friendly peoples and achieve their common interests.
For his part, the Chinese president, in a congratulatory telegram he sent to President Tebboune last year, on the occasion of the commemoration of the restoration of national sovereignty, praised the existing comprehensive strategic partnership relations between the two countries, which continued to develop to reach new levels, where mutual political trust is consolidated day after day and cooperation is achieved. Practical fruitful results.
The Chinese president expressed his willingness to make joint efforts with President Tebboune in order to consolidate the historical friendship and strategic mutual trust between the two countries, and to push communication and cooperation between them in all fields within the framework of building the “Belt and Road” initiative.
And in an effort to consolidate bilateral relations, the two countries signed last November the second five-year plan for comprehensive strategic cooperation for the period 2022-2026, which aims to continue to intensify communication and cooperation in all fields, including economy, trade, energy, agriculture, science and technology, space, health, human and cultural communication, in addition to Promote harmonization between the two countries’ development strategies.
And to enhance parliamentary cooperation between the two countries, in February 2022, the Parliamentary Group of Algeria-China Friendship was established with the aim of keeping pace with the remarkable development in bilateral relations, which was embodied by intensifying the exchange of high-level visits and enhancing consultation on many regional and international issues.
In the economic field, the pace of bilateral partnership is accelerating continuously through the completion of several projects of strategic importance to the Algerian economy, such as the central port of Barchchel, the exploitation of phosphate and iron, and the development of the railway network, which would raise the level of Chinese investments in Algeria.
Over the past years, China has become the most important trading partner and occupies the first place in terms of supplying the Algerian market with a value of more than $9 billion annually, or a rate of more than 16.5 percent, according to Algerian customs data.
Work is currently underway to strengthen the Algerian-Chinese partnership in the fields of new and renewable energies, particularly solar photovoltaic energy, hydrogen, wind energy and geothermal energy, in addition to the field of manufacturing equipment and exploiting mining resources used in renewable energy industries.

The “BRICS” group and the “Belt and Road” initiative … promising prospects for close cooperation

And the two countries possess great qualifications to raise bilateral cooperation to higher levels, as Algeria seeks to join the “BRICS” group, which includes, in addition to China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, during the current year, as confirmed by the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, in his speech. Many occasions, noting that China, Russia and South Africa welcomed Algeria’s accession.
And the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi, had stated that his country welcomes Algeria’s accession to the “BRICS” group, noting that Algeria is “a large emerging country” and “a representative of emerging economies.” He also made it clear that his country is “ready to work with Algeria from In order to play a constructive role in achieving peace and development across the world.
In addition, the cooperation relations between Algeria and China have developed further within the framework of the “Belt and Road” initiative launched by China in 2013 and joined by Algeria in 2018.
This initiative is based on mutual benefit and constructive cooperation between nations and peoples according to a purposeful and just global system for the sake of international peace and security away from the domination of any single system.
In this context, the two countries signed last December the “Executive Plan for the Joint Building of the Belt and Road Initiative” in order to deepen and further value cooperation and the “Tripartite Plan for Cooperation in Important Areas 2022-2024”, which is another practical mechanism of the bilateral mechanisms for advancing cooperation in The main economic areas that are given priority in the development policy of the two countries.

Convergence of views on issues of common interest

Algeria and China share the same visions and views on issues of common concern, and the two countries adhere to close communication and coordination on issues.
Regional and international, especially since both of them support just causes and legitimate interests of developing countries.
Throughout six decades of diplomatic relations, both Algeria and China showed complete agreement in viewpoints on many issues, such as the Palestinian issue and the issue of Western Sahara, and the necessity of resolving them within the framework of international legitimacy, especially United Nations resolutions.
In international forums, the two friendly countries are keen to intensify cooperation and coordination on international and multilateral affairs, adhere to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states, while continuing to strengthen democracy in international relations, as well as resolving disputes through dialogue and peaceful means, and stressing the need to preserve the international system that is The United Nations as its center and the basic rules of international relations based on the principles and objectives of the Charter of the United Nations.

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