Ben Abdelrahman chairs a meeting of the government… These are his outputs – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

Today, Wednesday, the Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdul Rahman, chaired a government meeting held at the government palace. During its weekly meeting, the government studied the following points in the field of interior:

The government has studied a preliminary draft law related to the prevention of major risks and the management of disasters within the framework of sustainable development, which was submitted by the Minister of the Interior, Local Authorities and Urban Planning.

This draft text, which repeals and replaces Law No. 04-20 of December 25, 2004, aims to remedy the shortcomings noted in the implementation of this law, and to adapt it to new international commitments in this field, in particular the Paris Agreement of 2015 related to climate change and the Sendai Framework. for the year 2015, and also aims to take care of the new bets; These include risks related to climate extremes, biotechnology, cyber, and locust movement.

The draft law also enshrines the new proactive approach in this field, which is mainly based on strengthening the preventive dimension that can significantly reduce the risks and effects of disasters, especially through information, communication, sensitization and training operations, as well as raising response and intervention capabilities, relying mainly on the program. national scientific research and technological development in this field.

In the field of justice… a preliminary draft law amending the Civil and Administrative Procedures Law

The Minister of Justice, Keeper of Seals, made a presentation on a draft law amending and supplementing Law No. 08-09 of February 25, 2008, which includes the Code of Civil and Administrative Procedures.

The initiative with this draft law falls within the framework of completing the process of implementing the commitment of the President of the Republic for a comprehensive and deep reform of justice, especially by enhancing its effectiveness, facilitating access to it, improving its conduct, as well as the conduct of cases before the judicial authorities, in a way that further enhances the guarantees of a fair trial and the right of defense in the two articles. Civil and administrative.

In this regard, the draft law includes provisions aimed at simplifying, modernizing and digitizing procedures, promoting the positive role of the judge, establishing new means of investigation and reactivating notification and enforcement procedures.

In the field of mines… a preliminary draft law regulating mining activities

The government studied a preliminary draft law regulating mining activities, which was submitted by the Minister of Energy and Mines.

This draft text aims to revitalize the mining sector and provide positive conditions for its development by creating a favorable environment for mining investment and adopting stimulating legislative measures.

It also aims to establish a more transparent, stable and sustainable mining policy that would allow simplified access to mining investment, with the aim of encouraging investors, whether national or foreign, to contribute effectively to the development of mining activities.

In this regard, this draft law enshrines internationally approved conditions for promoting investment in the mining sector and encouraging the completion of mining activities. For this purpose, it includes a simplified, transparent and more polarizing framework based mainly on the inclusion of appropriate guarantees for the benefit of national and foreign investors, the removal of all bureaucratic obstacles and the reduction of the deadlines for studying requests for mining bonds.

In addition, this draft text attaches special importance to the valuation of mining products at the local level by favoring the creation of significant added value through the establishment of transformational units and giving priority to the employment of local labor as well as the transfer of technology.

In the field of mines, public works and transport… the mining railway of Ghar Jbeilat, the integrated phosphate project and the iron complex in Bechar

Within the framework of following up on the status of the progress of the mining railways projects in Ghar Jbeilat and the integrated phosphate project, as well as the iron complex in Béchar, the government listened to presentations made by the ministers in charge of mines, public works and transport.

The preparations followed have allowed, starting from next June, the start of the completion of the sections of the railway lines linking Annaba with Bouchkouf (54 km), bypassing Tebessa-Tinoukla (43 km), as well as linking the new mine to Bilad El Hadba (23 km), and this is an addition to the line Oued Sulfur – Jabal Al-Anq at a distance of 177 km, which will be received before the end of the current year.

The progress of the Annaba mining port’s completion file was also presented, as well as the studies related to the completion of the first part of the railway line of the Ghar Jbeilat mine, at a distance of 200 km from Bechar, whose completion will start before the end of June 2023.

In the field of public works and basic installations, the Minister of the Sector presented a draft executive decree amending Executive Decree No. 18-312 of December 10, 2018, which includes the declaration of public benefit for the operation related to the completion of the duplication, modernization and correction of the eastern mining railway.

In the field of youth and sports… preparing elite athletes in anticipation of the Paris Olympic Games

The government listened to a presentation by the Minister of Youth and Sports on preparing elite and high-level athletes in anticipation of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

The presentation focused on the athletes’ preparation program, especially through conducting trainings inside and outside the country, as well as the means mobilized by the state in order to ensure optimal preparatory conditions for athletes.

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