Today, Wednesday, the Prime Minister, Ayman bin Abdelrahman, chaired a cabinet meeting.
The statement of the interests of the first ministry stated: The Prime Minister, Mr. Ayman bin Abdelrahman, chaired this Wednesday, June 7, 2023, a meeting of the government, which was held at the government palace.
During its weekly meeting, the government examined the following points:
In the field of solidarity:
The government has examined a preliminary draft law amending and supplementing Law No. 10-12 of December 29, 2010 relating to the protection of elderly persons, submitted by the Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Issues, in a first reading.
This draft text falls within the framework of improving the lives of elderly persons and protecting them from any form of harm to their dignity and their physical and moral integrity.
It aims to adapt the legal system to international standards in this field, while preserving our religious and cultural values rooted in the inherited traditions of our country.
In the field of agriculture:
The government has studied a draft executive decree that includes the abolition of the classification of agricultural plots destined for the realization of housing and public equipment at the level of some municipalities of the wilaya of Tissemsilt.
It should be noted that these projects, which are of economic and social importance, fall within the framework of the embodiment of the complementary development program allocated to the wilaya of Tissemsilt, which was approved by the President of the Republic.
As for the supplementary development program for the state of Djelfa:
The government listened to a presentation by the Minister of the Interior, Local Authorities and Urban Planning on the complementary development program for the state of Djelfa.
This supplementary program for social and economic development for the benefit of the state of Djelfa comes in implementation of the instructions of the President of the Republic.
The presentation focused mainly on the social and economic indicators of the state and the participatory approach that was followed when preparing the project for this program, as well as on the portfolio of proposed projects in accordance with the established priorities in order to take care of the needs of the residents of the state and improve their living framework, and finally the expected social and economic impact of the embodiment of this program in the short and medium term. And the long one, as well as how it will be funded and launched during the current year.
Finally, in the field of industry:
The government listened to a presentation by the Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production on the progress of feasibility studies related to the project to complete the iron and steel complex in the state of Bechar, which will be devoted to the production of railroad tracks and metal structures from the iron ore of the Ghar Jbeilat mine.
This project, which falls within the framework of establishing an iron and steel pole at the level of the state of Bechar, will also be devoted to evaluating the huge project for the exploitation of iron ore in Ghar Jbeilat.
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