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Bogali receives the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to Algeria – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

Bogali receives the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to Algeria - Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

The President of the National People’s Assembly, Ibrahim Bogali, received today, Wednesday, at the headquarters of the Assembly, the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to Algeria, John Chrysosotom Alintuma NSAMBU.

And according to a statement by the Council, the Speaker of the Council affirmed that the positions of the two countries are identical regarding many files, while parliamentary activity remains in need of revitalization and a new dynamism to accompany the level reached by political relations, after reviewing the historical relations and the reality of the solid friendship that unites the two countries.

In terms of cooperation, Mr. Boghali affirmed that Algeria will continue its support to Uganda as it has done for decades, especially in the areas of military training and higher education, and made it clear that Algeria’s orientation under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, towards the African depth will provide more opportunities to build economic and trade relations. Fruitful, adding, in this regard, that Africans are more aware of the continent’s problems and are more aware of the solutions that suit them.

As for international files, the President of the Council touched on the position on the Sahrawi issue, explaining that Algeria is keen to guarantee the right of self-determination for the Sahrawi people in accordance with the relevant UN regulations. Mr. Boghali was also keen to dispel the tendentious fallacies regarding Algeria’s position on this just cause, which stressed the need for it to have strong supporters at the African level, as is the case in Europe and Latin America.

For his part, HE the Ambassador praised the strong relations between the two countries and said that Algeria has always helped his country with purely humanitarian motives and achieved very positive results for the benefit of Uganda. Give direct cooperation more importance.

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