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In pictures.. A new digital service space for the Algerian popular loan – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazairia

In pictures.. A new digital service space for the Algerian popular loan - Al-Hiwar Al-Jazairia

The Algerian People’s Credit inaugurated, Sunday in Algiers, its first digital services space, within the framework of modernizing the services of this public bank and improving their quality.

This space, the first of its kind for the bank, was inaugurated at the level of Colonel Bougherra Street (Al-Abyar Municipality), in the presence of the General Director of the Algerian Popular Loan, Ali Kadri, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank, Abdel Karim Mohtali, and a number of executives.

By the way, Qadri explained in press statements on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony that this step falls within the framework of the modernization strategy that the bank has begun to implement, which also includes many structuring projects such as the development of monetary activity and the bank’s new information system.

And “This is in line with the directives of the public authorities aimed at digitizing the services of financial and banking institutions in the country”, adds the Director General.

This digital space is based on the principle of “self-use”, as it was equipped with two contactless electronic terminals, which allow the customer the opportunity to view the balance, access the bank’s application and benefit from all the offers it offers, as well as making bank transfers.

It also allows customers to pay via the Internet to pay rent dues from the subscribers of the National Agency for Housing Improvement and Development “Adl”, and to pay bills and services at the level of 25 digital commercial platforms.

This digital space, which operates 7 days/7 and 24 hours/24, also provides an automatic cash dispenser and an automated bank window, allowing withdrawals by bank card and gold card, and viewing the balance through them.

Distributor and automatic window users can “in the near future,” according to the general manager, benefit from the service of changing the password, activating the card, issuing a mini-statement of card operations, and setting and changing the phone number.

Qadri stressed that this digital space, which “is a qualitative addition and a favorable opportunity to provide better services throughout the week, comes in the context of the bank’s achievements to modernize its services, which also includes new products in the field of Islamic banking.”

The matter is related to the unrestricted Islamic investment account “Tanmia”, the lease ending with real estate ownership for institutions, in addition to a new version of the Murabaha offer, “Edadi” equipment for companies and professionals, and the Murabaha product for vehicles (car / motorcycle) intended for individuals.

These products are added to those that the bank is currently marketing such as the Islamic current account, the Islamic check account and the Islamic savings account.

In this context, Qadri stated, “The inauguration of the digital space today represents a prelude to the establishment of other spaces in the future in line with the policy pursued by the management of the Public Bank,” stressing that 2023 will be “the year of accelerating digitization par excellence.”

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