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In pictures… Expanding the horizons of cooperation between Algeria and Azerbaijan – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

In pictures... Expanding the horizons of cooperation between Algeria and Azerbaijan - Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad, Ammar Blani, received today at the Ministry’s headquarters, the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Algeria, Toral Anaroglu Rezayev.

The meeting was an opportunity for the two parties to highlight the historical relations based on the bonds of brotherhood, solidarity and cooperation between Algeria and the Republic of Azerbaijan, and to emphasize the common desire of the leadership of the two countries to push forward and raise the level of bilateral cooperation in various fields.

In this regard, the two sides appreciated the great movement witnessed by the bilateral relations during the past year, prompted by the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdel Majeed Tebboune, and his Azerbaijani counterpart, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, which was translated into intensive mutual visits between the two sides at several levels and in various sectors that culminated in the signing of many bilateral agreements that It would enhance cooperation between the two countries, especially in the field of political consultations, parliamentary cooperation and cooperation in the oil and gas sector.

In the same context, Ammar Blani stressed the need to expand the horizons of cooperation between Algeria and the Republic of Azerbaijan to include other promising fields such as industry, trade, tourism and culture, which would enable the increase in the volume of bilateral trade exchanges that remain without the aspirations and capabilities of the two countries, and in a way that also strengthens the human ties and bonds between the two brotherly peoples.

On the other hand, the two parties discussed at length the importance of strengthening the existing coordination between the two countries at the level of international and regional organizations regarding various issues and issues of common concern. In this regard, the two sides noted with satisfaction the great coincidence in the positions of the two countries, especially in their relentless endeavor to strengthen the system and ideology of non-alignment, strengthen multilateral action and encourage the emergence of a multipolar world.

The two parties also stressed, during their discussion of some hotbeds of conflicts and tensions in various regions of the world, especially the situation in the occupied Western Sahara and the Nagorno-Karabakh region, the need for exclusive and full recourse to international legitimacy and the application of international law without selectivity and away from double standards.

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