Lieutenant General Said Chanegriha: We are determined to continue developing and modernizing our defense system – Al-Hiwar Algeria

The President of the Republic, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and the Minister of National Defense presided today, Tuesday, at the People’s Palace, the ceremony of conferring ranks and awarding medals to a number of senior and senior officers, on the eve of the celebrations commemorating the sixty-first anniversary of the Independence Day and the restoration of national sovereignty.

At the outset of this ceremony, Lieutenant General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of People’s National Army, delivered a speech in which he expressed his gratitude to the President of the Republic for his personal supervision of this ceremony, which is a well-deserved tribute to the executives of the Ministry of National Defense, for the efforts exerted to perform the tasks entrusted to them with all Responsibility and competence:

“First of all, it gives me great pleasure to present, in my own name and on behalf of all the employees of the National People’s Army, the highest expressions of thanks and gratitude to the President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defense, for his personal supervision of the ceremony of awarding ranks and decorations to the executives of People’s National Army, which takes place on the eve of Celebrating Independence Day and restoring our national sovereignty.

There is no doubt that the greatness of this eternal memory, which we celebrate this year its sixty-first anniversary, dictates that today we urgently give it some of its due, as a reminder of this glorious historical station, which is classified as one of the greatest achievements of the twentieth century with its men, and with what it carried of sublime values ​​that represent the finest What the human soul realizes of sacrifices and high morals, and in that is an example for those who loved this dear country and wanted to serve it with loyalty and sincerity.

The imitation of ranks and the awarding of decorations to a number of officers of our armed forces and civilian employees, on this glorious national occasion, is a well-deserved tribute to them, in return for the efforts made by these executives, men and women, in performing the tasks entrusted to them with all responsibility and competence, especially those stationed at our borders and in every patch of our beloved homeland.”

Mr. Lieutenant General affirmed that the continuous support provided by the President of the Republic to the military establishment will increase its executives and employees in determination to continue developing and modernizing our defense system:

“In conclusion, I cannot fail to renew to you, Mr. President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defense, my sincere gratitude and many thanks, for your continuous support for the military institution, which was prominently demonstrated this year, through numerous evaluation and orientation visits, and your high supervision of Many activities, such as the national forum on the national strategy for cybersecurity, and the tactical exercise with live ammunition “Fajr-2023”, which was carried out by the units of the 12th Mechanized Infantry Division in Djelfa, supported by units of various forces and weapons, within the framework of the conclusion of the forces preparation program for the year 2022- 2023.

This distinguished support will, without a doubt, increase our determination to continue developing and modernizing our defense system, whether through the acquisition of the latest military technologies, weapons and equipment, or with regard to qualifying the human element, to keep pace with these advanced technologies and control their techniques, with the aim of protecting our security and our vital national interests, and defense On our land and sea borders and our airspace, in all contexts and in all circumstances and circumstances.”

Then, the President of the Republic, accompanied by Mr. Lieutenant General, Chief of Staff of People’s National Army, and Mr. Lieutenant General, Commander of the Republican Guard, oversaw the awarding of ranks and decorations to a group of Brigadier Generals, high ranking officers and civil servants.

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