Ministry of Commerce: 53,586 interventions during the first ten days of Ramadan – Al-Hiwar Algeria

The Ministry of Commerce and Export Promotion revealed its results of the control activity carried out during the first ten days of the month of Ramadan, within the framework of quality control, fraud suppression, speculation and control of commercial activities, during the period from March 23 to April 01 of the current year, with 53,586 interventions and 8. 659 violations and more than 395 tons of seized materials.

During the aforementioned period, the control departments affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce and Export Promotion recorded the following:

Display digital data:

  • Number of tackles: 53,586 tackles;
  • Number of violations examined: 8,659 violations;
  • Number of edited minutes: 7,995 official judicial follow-up reports;
  • Reserved quantity: 395,49 tons;
  • The total amount of seizures: 51.16 million DZD;
  • Total amount of non-billing: 490.6 million DZD;
  • Suggestions for administrative closure: 303 commercial stores;
  • Number of samples taken: 408 (204 microbiological and 204 physiochemical).

These recorded results are distributed according to the field of intervention as follows:

First: In the field of quality control and fraud suppression:

In this context, 23,269 interventions were recorded, resulting in the inspection of 3,584 violations and the issuance of 3,061 official judicial follow-up reports, with a proposal to close 115 commercial stores.

These interventions also allowed the seizure of non-conforming and unfit for consumption commodities, the amount of which was estimated at 395.49 tons, at a value of 40.22 million DZD.

As for commodities that do not conform and are suitable for consumption, they have been transferred to centers of public benefit (Red Crescent, charities, hospital centers, child care centers, psychological and pedagogical center for children with disabilities, homes for the elderly). As for non-conforming meat, they have been directed to the barn of stray dogs. and zoos.

With regard to the nature of the recorded violations, they were mainly as follows:

Non-compliance with mandatory cleanliness and hygiene: 1,682 violations, or 46.9%;

  • Possession and sale of materials unfit for consumption: 590 violations, or 16.5%;
  • Lack of self-censorship: 371 violations, or 10.4%;
  • Failure to respect memorization grades: 312 violations, or 8.7%;
  • Failure to respect the obligation to inform the consumer: 159 violations, or 4.4%;
  • Possession and sale of non-conforming materials: 108 violations, or 3%;
  • Other violations: 362 violations, with a rate of 10.1%.

Second: In the field of monitoring commercial practices:

In this field, 30,317 interventions were recorded, which resulted in the examination of 5,075 violations and the issuance of 4,934 official reports for judicial follow-up. These interventions also allowed the disclosure of a total amount of non-billing estimated at 490.6 million DZD and the seizure of goods worth 10.93 million DZD.

As for the nature of the recorded violations, they were mainly as follows:

  • Other violations (practicing a regular commercial activity without a license, not publishing legal data, unfair commercial practices, fraudulent practices, practicing a commercial activity outside the subject matter of the commercial registry): 1,841 violations, with a rate of 36.3%;
  • Failure to inform prices and tariffs: 2,479 violations, or 48.8%;
  • Non-billing: 391 violations, or 7.7%;
  • Opposition to censorship: 95 violations, or 1.9%;
  • Not being registered in the commercial register: 197 violations, or 3.9%;
  • Failure to amend the data of the extract of the commercial register: 45 violations, with a rate of 0.9%;
  • The practice of illegal prices: 27 violations, or 0.5%.

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