Sayhi: Algeria achieved a 5.24 percent increase in blood donations last year – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazairia

The Minister of Health, Abdelhak Sayhi, revealed today, Tuesday in Algiers, that Algeria recorded during the year 2022 an increase in the rate of blood donation estimated at 5.24 percent, stressing its continuous endeavor to provide safe blood for patients.
In his speech during the official opening of the activities of the World Blood Donor Day, which Algeria is hosting this year for two days, under the slogan “Donate blood, donate plasma… Share life, share a lot.” Saihi stated that “during the year 2022, 743,477 blood donors applied to 248 injection centers.” Blood is present across the national territory,” as he said — “631,815 bags of blood were collected, which represents an increase of 24.5 percent compared to the previous year, of whom 53.96 percent were volunteer donors and the rest were family donors.”
He explained, “Algeria was chosen this year by the World Health Organization to host activities celebrating the International Day of Blood Donors in exchange for its services, as the organization expressed its appreciation to the Algerian government for keeping the issues of safety and blood abundance among its priorities.”
The World Organization also congratulated Algeria on the achievements it has made in this field, in an effort to provide safe blood for patients, within the framework of the path of developing our health system – adds the minister – “and the promotion of health services provided to citizens by drawing up the national blood policy, monitoring and promoting blood donation while working to respect Good practices regarding the use of blood”.
Regarding this year’s slogan, he explained that it was chosen “to highlight the importance of regular blood donation in order to maintain adequate blood supplies for patients and to preserve the health of donors.”
Saihi expressed his appreciation to the World Health Organization for its “continued support and the distinguished and joint cooperation that brings it together in Algeria, which must be strengthened – as he said – further.”
It is also an occasion – the minister adds – in which we stand in appreciation and praise for those who donate their blood to save the lives of many individuals, highlighting the noble human values ​​by preferring others over oneself. Pioneer for optimal health for our communities.
During the opening, a video was shown about the reality of blood donation in Algeria, and the work of the National Blood Agency.
For reference, the opening of the activities of the World Blood Donor Day was attended by members of the government and high officials in the country, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps in Algeria, public bodies and institutions, as well as international organizations and civil society.
Over the course of two days, these events witness a rich and varied program, including interventions and lectures by professors and specialists, artistic activities, as well as honoring the donors and participants.

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