The 47th anniversary of the founding of the Sahrawi Republic.. Ibrahim Ghali affirms the Sahrawis’ rejection of the Makhzen’s expansionist policy – Al-Hiwar Algeria

The President of the Sahrawi Republic and Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, affirmed the Sahrawi people’s rejection of the continuation of the illegal situation in which the Moroccan occupation continues its expansion and settlement policy, the violation of human rights and the plundering of natural resources in the occupied Sahrawi lands.

In a speech addressed to the Saharawi people on the occasion of the celebration of the 47th anniversary of the founding of the Sahrawi Republic, Ghali said that the sixteenth conference of the Polisario Front “decided the decision that the Saharawi people cannot accept the continuation of an illegal situation, in which the Moroccan occupation state is examining its aggressive, expansionist, settlement policies, and its grave violations.” human rights, its plundering of the natural resources of our country, and its provocative practices on the occupied parts of our country.”

The Saharawi President stated that Morocco blew up the cease-fire agreement on November 13, 2020, “which forced the Saharawi people to resume the armed struggle, as a legitimate right, guaranteed by international legitimacy, within the framework of its just war of liberation,” noting that the situation revealed “the truth of unjustified inaction and disregard The suspicious, even the exposed collusion, by well-known parties at the level of the UN Security Council, provided a cover of protection and encouragement for the illegal Moroccan military occupation of parts of the territory of the Sahrawi Republic.

Ghali stressed that the Polisario Front “cannot in any way be a party to any approach that does not respect the clear basis and legal reference for the conflict in Western Sahara, as it is an issue of decolonization, resolved exclusively by enabling the Sahrawi people, the sole sovereign, to exercise their right, except disposable and non-negotiable, in self-determination and independence”, calling on the United Nations to expedite enabling its Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to carry out its mission.

And after the Saharawi president highlighted that his country “continues to advance steadily on the path of building, consolidating its position and completing its control over all of its national territory,” he reaffirmed its “full readiness to fulfill its international obligations towards peace, security, stability, and prosperity for the peoples of the region and the world.”

The Sahrawi President also touched on the dimensions and significance of the 47th anniversary of the establishment of the Sahrawi Republic, which was celebrated yesterday, Monday, through three main stations of the struggle of the Saharawi people, where the first was the establishment of the Polisario Front, the outbreak of armed struggle and the declaration of national unity, and the second was the construction station, The third is evident in the current station, “whether it means continuity in building, maintaining and enhancing the gains of the desert state, on all fronts, or in terms of what characterizes the stage and the developments it is witnessing and the challenges it poses.”

On the other hand, Ghali called on the African Union to “expedite respect for the principles and objectives of its constituent law with regard to ending the Moroccan military occupation (of parts of Western Sahara), in the context of respecting the borders inherited upon gaining independence, and preventing the seizure of the lands of others by force.”

The Saharawi president warned of “the consequences of the expansionist aggressive policies of the Moroccan occupation state, and the mines of tension and instability it sows.” He renewed his condemnation of the Spanish government’s position in support of the Moroccan occupier’s thesis, which contradicts the position of the Spanish people who embrace the largest movement in solidarity with the just struggle of the Sahrawi people.

Regarding the developments in the corruption file at the level of the European Parliament, in which Morocco was implicated by buying off the debts of some European representatives to achieve political gains and promote his alleged thesis in Western Sahara, President Ghali pointed out that “the Sahrawi Republic calls on the European Union to expedite taking appropriate steps and measures, not only to expose Facts and accountability of the guilty, but to adopt a fair position, consistent with international law and international humanitarian law and European law, away from all suspicions.

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