Xi meets Putin in Moscow – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

Chinese President Xi Jinping met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday at the Kremlin Palace upon his arrival in Moscow.

When President Xi arrived at the Kremlin, he was greeted by the commander of the Kremlin Palace as he got off the car. President Putin enthusiastically shook hands with Xi Jinping and took pictures with him. The two presidents had an in-depth and candid exchange of views on Sino-Russian relations and issues of common concern.

Xi noted that he is very happy to pay the state visit to Russia at the invitation of President Putin, adding that Russia was the first country he visited after he was elected president ten years ago, and the memories of that visit are still fresh today.

President Xi said that over the past 10 years, he and Putin have kept in close contact. He expressed his appreciation to President Putin for immediately sending congratulatory messages on his re-election to the post of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee by the 20th National Congress of the CPC and also his re-election not long ago as President of China.

He noted that Russia will hold presidential elections next year, and under the strong leadership of Putin, Russia has made good progress in development and national rejuvenation. President Xi said he is confident that the Russian people will continue to firmly support Putin.

Xi stressed that there is a deep historical logic for China-Russia relations to reach where it is today. Both China and Russia are each other’s largest neighbor and comprehensive strategic coordinating partner. Both countries view their relations as a top priority in their overall diplomacy and foreign affairs policy.

China always adheres to the independent foreign policy. Strengthening and well-developing China-Russia relations is a strategic choice made by the Chinese side based on its core interests and the prevailing directions of world development, according to Xi.

The Chinese side firmly sticks to the general direction of strengthening strategic coordination and cooperation with Russia, Xi said, adding that China and Russia are committed to realizing national development and rejuvenation, supporting the multipolarity of the world and working for the democratization of international relations.

He added that the two countries should continue to deepen practical cooperation in all fields and enhance coordination and cooperation in multilateral platforms, such as the United Nations, in a way that contributes to strengthening the development and renaissance of each, making them a pillar of peace and stability in the world.

President Putin, for his part, extended a warm welcome to President Xi on his state visit to Russia, and once again extended warm congratulations to Xi Jinping on his re-election as president of the People’s Republic of China.

In the same context, President Putin said that over the past ten years, China has made great achievements that draw the world’s attention in all fields. This is attributed to President Xi’s wise leadership, and also proves the superiority of China’s national political system and governance system.

He expressed confidence that under the strong leadership of President Xi, China will surely continue to develop and prosper, and successfully achieve all of its set great goals smoothly.

And he added that thanks to the coordinated efforts of both sides, Russian-Chinese relations in recent years have achieved fruitful results in all fields, adding that the Russian side is ready to continue deepening bilateral practical cooperation, intensify communication and coordination in international affairs, support multipolarity in the world, and work towards democratization of international relations.

The two sides also had an in-depth exchange of views on the Ukrainian issue.

In this context, Xi stressed that the voices in favor of peace and rationality on the Ukraine issue are constantly rising, saying that most countries support de-escalation of the situation, advocate commendable efforts to advance negotiations, and oppose pouring oil on the fire, as a review of history shows that disputes must be settled at the end. Ultimately through dialogue and negotiation.

The Chinese side has issued a document on its position on the Ukraine crisis, in which it supports a political settlement of the crisis and rejects the Cold War mentality and unilateral sanctions, according to Xi.

China believes that the greater the difficulties, the greater the need to make room for peace. The more intense the differences, the more necessary it is not to abandon the efforts of dialogue. Therefore, the Chinese side will continue to play a constructive role in advancing the political settlement of the Ukraine issue, according to Xi.

For his part, Putin said that the Russian side speaks highly of the fair, objective and balanced stance that the Chinese side has been adhering to on important international issues. The Russian side has seriously studied China’s position document on the political settlement of the Ukrainian issue and is open to peace talks. The Russian side welcomes the Chinese side to play a constructive role in this regard.

The two presidents also said that they are looking forward to the formal talks that will be held the next day to work out a new plan for the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia in the next stage.

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