President Tebboune presides over a meeting of the Council of Ministers.. These are his decisions – The Algerian Dialogue

Today, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Minister of National Defense, presided over a meeting of the Council of Ministers, which dealt with two draft laws. A framework for combating counterfeiting and the use of counterfeiters, the supplementary program for the state of Djelfa, and a joint ministerial presentation, on the progress of railway construction projects: Gara Jbeilat-Oran, Tebessa-Annaba, as well as the iron complex of Bechar.
After opening the meeting by the President of the Republic, then listening to the agenda, the Prime Minister’s presentation of the outcome of government activity in the past two weeks, and discussion of draft laws and presentations, the President gave the following orders, instructions, and directives.

• Regarding a draft law that includes rules for prevention, intervention and disaster risk reduction within the framework of sustainable development:
The President emphasized the utmost importance of proactive operations and constant vigilance, according to the preparation of specific plans to confront all disaster situations, whatever their nature.
Updating the lists of material and human capabilities designated for intervention in disasters, while obligating the governors to carry out the operation every six months, in order to avoid any obstruction related to intervention operations, opening roads and saving lives.
• Regarding a draft law related to civil and administrative procedures:
The President ordered the enrichment of the draft law, by opening a wide discussion with the professionals and specialists, especially the judges, who possess extensive expertise and professional experience, in order to introduce the necessary amendments to the Civil and Administrative Procedures Law, especially in the part related to resorting to the Supreme Court, in some issues.
Emphasizing that the Supreme Court is the highest judicial adjudication body in the country, and its rulings are final and not subject to appeal, with the aim of serving the judiciary and the citizen, to decide on files that have not been decided by the various stages of litigation.
He stressed the need to specify the type and nature of appeals that are submitted to the Supreme Court, in order to reduce the burden on citizens, and to facilitate the asylum procedures for this body.
Removing the resolution of financial and commercial disputes from the Supreme Court, and making it the jurisdiction of commercial courts.
• Regarding a draft framework law to combat forgery and the use of counterfeiters:
The President affirmed that combating forgery and the use of counterfeiters falls within the framework of his commitment to the morality of public life, by strengthening the legal arsenal that fights this disgraceful phenomenon that negatively affects the good conduct of the Algerian administration, and constitutes a threat to state security.
He highlighted that the fight against forgery and the use of counterfeiters comes in the context of providing greater protection for the interests of the state and the citizen alike, and to combat all behaviors that cost the public treasury huge sums of money in past years.
In his directives, the President stressed the strictness of punishing and deterring all those responsible and involved in forgery crimes with the most severe penalties, and restoring consideration for fair and legitimate competition.
The President ordered the merging of all punishable forgery crimes into the draft of this law.
The President stressed that the facilities that came within the framework of digitization and modernization of documents should not be at the expense of state security, with priority being given to protecting personal data and data from all forms of forgery.
Regarding the supplementary program for the state of Djelfa:
The President stressed the importance of the agricultural and pastoral character that characterizes this historic state.
The President ordered the government to raise the share of rural housing allocated to the state from 4,000 to 15,000 units.
Preparing a proposal to upgrade the districts of Labeid Sidi Sheikh, Ain, Sarah, and Massad to mandate states.
• Regarding a presentation on preparations to welcome members of the Algerian community during the 2023 summer season:
Recruiting human staff at airports and ports, and creating conditions for a good reception of the Algerian community in their homeland.
The President gave his directives to the government to provide more facilities for receiving members of the community, especially with regard to ticket prices.
Organizing a special trip by the Paris Mosque, in coordination with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, for the benefit of 900 children and young people, to visit different tourist areas in their country, Algeria, to strengthen the connection with their motherland.
• Concerning a joint ministerial presentation on the progress of the projects for the completion of the Gara-Jbeilat-Oran-Tebessa-Annaba railway lines, as well as the iron complex of Bechar:
In view of the strategic importance of the Gara Jbeilat project, the President stressed the importance of observing accuracy and foresight, according to scientific and technological standards, in embodying this type of project, which benefits the country and the citizen, and contributes to improving their standard of living.

To conclude the Council of Ministers by approving decrees that include appointments and termination of assignments, in positions and jobs in the state.

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