Producers of “Al-Hiwar”: We will make Algeria a destination for the manufacturing industry – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryia

Nasira Syed Ali

In their interview with Al-Hiwar, industrial transformers unanimously agreed that the manufacturing industry has witnessed a great development in recent years, in light of the presence of an encouraging political will to take off with this model of industries, which will witness a quantum leap and great growth, which will make Algeria among the leading countries in this field. the field.

Mansoura Water: The manufacturing industry is on the right path

In the context, the commercial and marketing director of the Mansoura Mineral Water Corporation in Tlemcen, Radwan Zarqouk, told Al-Hiwar that this company, which was founded in 1987, is a public body that experienced setbacks during the black decade, and after the economic openness it was sold thanks to the solidarity of workers and employees. It was bought and got up. It was re-established even though all its products were marketed at the local level only, because the aim of the operation was to maintain its presence in the Algerian industrial arena. After 20 years had passed, the company’s work pattern was changed and changes occurred in its positive side. It was sold again and bought by an Algerian investor. He, in turn, according to the same speaker, introduced developments in the structure of the water treatment and conversion plants with new technology that produces very large quantities of mineral water of high quality and with excellent health standards, and qualified technical hands with international experience.

Speaking about the reality of the manufacturing industry in Algeria, the same official in the Mansoura Mineral Water Company confirmed that this industrial model is on the right path in the presence of a political will to develop it and advance it in the future so that we can make Algeria number one in the world in the international markets with products that satisfy the national and foreign consumers.

Hodna: We will make Algeria at the forefront of the manufacturing industry

For her part, Lubna Sirri, head of the Algeria office, Hodna Halib, explained to Al-Hiwar that this institution, which was established in 1998, is specialized in the production of milk and its derivatives, such as yogurt, and canned goods related to milk extracts, in order to provide fresh milk and avoid the use of full milk, adding Al-Houdana factories are doing their best to provide milk at the national level, noting that Al-Houdana has set up a project consisting of farms on an area of ​​​​1,000 hectares, and owns more than 4,200 milking cows, the aim of which is to raise the rate of incorporation of cow’s milk compared to imported milk, confirming He pointed out that the manufacturing industry in Algeria has begun to witness a recovery compared to previous years, in light of the presence of companies active in the field that seek to provide multiple products with international standards, thanks to the efforts made by the state towards manufacturers and producers in order to delve into such industries that will fall within the framework of The so-called economic diversification, which made their company seek to achieve 50 percent of their market share in the Algerian commercial arena, waiting to invade the African market very soon.

Nachos: We use fresh seasonal fruits to provide the best drink

On a similar level, Ismail Boukal, the director of major accounts and external relations for Naqaus Company, told Al-Hiwar, as it is known to all that naqaous drinks are part of the processing industries of fresh and seasonal fruits, brought directly from farms, and they also manufacture in addition to producing preserved juices and jams with different fruit tastes. The company produces industrial inputs that enter into the manufacturing industry, indicating that despite the absence of the Nakaws company from the production scene from 2019 and the years that followed, it returned this time with a new face and a different situation until we return to our situation as before, indicating that the manufacturing industry is in Algeria is on a sound path, especially since the state provides all the facilities that make the producer active in its field with ease, stressing that his authority is doing everything in its power to return again to the export process and that the African market is one of its priorities so that we give Algeria its value in the African space, and it is at the top of countries foreign competition in this continent.

Litineh: Our hope is to make Algeria a destination for the manufacturing industry

In the same context, the Director of Commercial Marketing at Tomato Litineh Company, Mariam Oshrif, explained to Al-Hiwar that Litineh factories convert many agricultural products that are included in the requirements of the Algerian kitchen and the Algerian table, and that all products are free of gluten, which indicates that they are healthy and suitable for dieters. , as well as people suffering from Celiac disease, and made from natural vegetables, stressing in the same context that this type of industry will know a qualitative breakthrough in the coming days, in front of the availability of all the requirements of industrial producers and transformers in various different products and the diversity of their taste, indicating the availability of the product By the farmers who provide them with various types of vegetables that are involved in the manufacturing industry.

Kasbah: The manufacturing industry will flourish

In this regard, the export official at Al-Kasaba Company, Muhammad Al-Taher Saadeh, said in his interview with Al-Hiwar that his company specializes in the manufacture of foodstuffs that are industrially converted into beverages and preserves, relying on fresh agricultural products, and that since last year they have started manufacturing juice concentrates that are mainly directed to Manufacturers of carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, an awareness drawn from purely Algerian fruits for their reliance on everything that is natural, according to him, in order to eliminate the import of this type of input from abroad, but rather they seek, as he said, to make Algeria a source country for this substance to be imported, and the aim of it is to reduce The import bill and the rationalization of the local industry for industrial and semi-finished products, stressing that the industrial products produced by the Kasbah factories enjoy great care in order to preserve public health, with the adoption of accuracy in all production chains, and on the reality of the manufacturing industry in Algeria, the same speaker said that it is witnessing remarkable growth over the years The latter, and a great demand for investors because of everything that was abundant production whenever this industry flourished in Algeria, and among the encouraging factors for the advancement of this industry in Algeria, the Algerian University taught this Specialization to provide human cadres with competence in the field, in addition to that in the last ten years the same speaker adds that there is great control in this industry in Algeria

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