The President of the Republic offers condolences on the death of Sheikh Allama Mohamed Taher Ait Eljat – Al-Hiwar Al-Jazaeryya

Today, Wednesday, the President of the Republic sent a message of condolence to the family of the late Sheikh Allama Mohamed Taher Ait Elajt, who passed away at the age of 106.

And the message of condolence to the President of the Republic stated: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. “Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with God, so among them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and among them is he who is waiting, and they have not altered anything.” Great truth of God. The soul of our deceased, the honorable scholar, the pious Sheikh, the fighter, the companion of the martyrs, the honest and beneficial imam, the honest preacher, may God Almighty bless him with mercy and forgiveness.

The president added: “The Algerian people bid farewell to a mujahid an imam who was sincere in his jihad, and who benefited from his knowledge, and what God provided him in life remained, calling for guidance in the best way, persevering in advising, calling for virtue, and for adhering to the teachings of our true Islamic religion and to the values Tolerance and fraternity depended on his blessed views, the radiance of his face with the light of Islam, and the love of Algeria, the hearts of the Algerians who mourned him with sorrow and pain, and multiplied with their prayers the reward and the reward of what he saved in this world of good deeds.

And the President of the Republic concluded by saying: “In front of this painful affliction, I address his family, relatives and loved ones with my sincere condolences and the most sincere feelings of sympathy, calling on the Lord Almighty to include him next to him with the two friends, martyrs and the righteous, and the good of those as a companion. May God reward you and best consolation.” “O you reassured soul, return to your Lord, pleased and well-pleasing, so enter among My servants and enter My Paradise.”

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